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Our Jubilee - Christ Shall Come
2025 Christian Family Conference
General Information
Theme Verses
And ye shall hallow the year of the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty in the land unto all the inhabitants thereof; a year of Jubilee shall it be unto you, and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family'.- Leviticus 25:10
God is faithful, by whom ye have been called into the fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord - 1 Corinthians 1:9
This year will be the 50th Anniversary of the Christian Family Conference. The first was held in 1975 at Randolph-Macon College, a small college in Ashland, Virginia. The second in 1976 was held at the same place. This was the beginning of the unfolding of "The Eternal Purpose of God" that has captured us and kept us these many years. At that first conference, our Brother Stephen Kaung was greatly used in giving the inaugural message on "The Eternal Purpose of God" that set our course. Lance Lambert was also used by God to open to us the "Principles of Fellowship" as he spoke on "God is faithful, by whom ye have been called into the fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord" (1 Corinthians 1:9). In these messages God revealed to us that His only begotten Son is "the center of the universe". Now, after many years, by God's grace He has opened a miraculous door for us in 2025 to gather again at Randolph-Macon College.
During our preparations for the conference this year the Lord has given us direction regarding a theme and confirmed that in several meetings. One has to do with "Jubilee". The Old Testament speaks clearly of this in Leviticus 25:10. "And ye shall hallow the year of the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty in the land unto all the inhabitants thereof; a year of Jubilee shall it be unto you, and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family'. The second direction that came is that Christ is our true Jubilee! It begins with His first coming, it continues until His second coming and will be fully manifest in His coming Kingdom. It starts with "The King Who has Come - The Testimony of Jesus". It continues with "The King Who is Coming - The Testimony of the Bride". It culminates when "The King Who will Come - The Testimony of Prophecy".
Speakers and Schedule:
Our brothers Dana Congdon, Lucio Aguirre, and David P. will be speakers to help unfold this great subject to us. We will begin with an introductory message on "Jubilee" from Jerry Aman. On the last evening Mac Graham will share a concluding message on "Christ, the Church and the Kingdom Revealed" with an emphasis on the absolute need of the cross to make this a reality. Let us give ourselves to prayer that the Lord's purpose for the conference will be fulfilled.
Please remain in prayer that God’s full purpose for the conference will be accomplished.
The Children's Ministry:
The focus of the children's ministry is The Life of Our Lord Jesus As King.
The sessions for high school age teens will be coordinated by brethren from Manhattan, Houston, and Arizona.
Conference Information
The conference will be held at Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, VA. Ashland is a about 15 minutes north of Richmond. The closest airport to Ashland is the Richmond International Airport (RIC). A campus map of Randolph-Macon can be found here.
General Registration Information
Due to limited class sizes this year those with children need to register early. Although the conference capacity is 700 on campus, we only have classroom space for 175 children, nursery through 8th grade. Therefore, family registrations should not be delayed. Registrations with adults only, singles and families without children will be left open until capacity is reached.
Registration and payment of deposit is a prerequisite for ALL attending.
Online Registration is available on around 7pm EDT April 13th 2025 at:
Registrations are on a first-come, first-served basis.
Registrations are NOT confirmed until registration deposits are received. Online payment is available this year.
Deposits are $100/person with a maximum of $400 per family.
Registrations are NOT transferable.
See further registration information throughout this web site.
On-Campus Registrants:
Air conditioned rooms for a maximum of 700 persons are available in the campus dorms. Rooms are dormitory style. Rooms are some suite style rooms that share a bath between two adjoining rooms. Some rooms may share a hall bath. Please be flexible and adaptable.
The dormitories at Randolph-Macon do not have elevators. The tallest dorm is 3 floors. If you cannot manage 1 or 2 flights of steps please indicate that on the registration form so that we can try to accommodate your housing needs.
Special rooming requests should be noted on your registration form:
Health needs
Rooms proximity
Issues with bunk beds
Three meals a day are provided this year in Estes Dining Hall. Estes Dining Hall seats about 450 people, therefore we ask attendees to stagger their meal times to avoid overcrowding. Transportation to and from the dining hall will be available for those in need. (See Schedule for meal times.)
Rooms will not be assigned to a family until the deposit is received. Due to space limitations this year it is important that if you register that you are able to and plan to attend. In years past almost 10% of the people that register do not show up. This denies others the ability to come to the conference and requires us to pay for unused rooms.
Off-Campus Registrants:
Ashland has many hotels and lodging options outside of Randolph-Macon. Any persons, including all children, who will be attending conference meetings, day and/or evening, but not staying on campus MUST REGISTER. A registration/commuter fee of $100 per person ($400 per family maximum) is required to help pay for rental of the facilities and can be paid by mail or online by credit card. It is necessary that you register so proper arrangements can be made for you and your family for nurseries, children's classes, crafts, group meetings, etc. Please check the box pertaining to Off-Campus Registration on your Registration Form. If you would like to take your meals at the dining hall while staying off-campus, please check the box marked "meals" on the Registration Form.
International Registrants:
Please be advised that the Christian Family Conference is absolutely unable to sponsor any visas for individuals desiring to attend the conference.
After registering, if you find AT ANY TIME that you will NOT be able to attend, PLEASE contact Registration IMMEDIATELY at There is a waiting list of people who can take your place when we are informed.